Monday, April 14, 2008


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Obituary for Thelonious Drevnerussky

Thelonious Drevnerussky, age 20, died this evening in some city which our hapless interns forgot the name of (they were severely beaten for their insolence) by means of jumping off a skyscraper. though no video footage exists (due to school computers crashing second life after every attempted video take) a few shoddy snapshots and some secondhand accounts were salaged and added to this obituary for entertainment purposes.

Thelonious somehow managed to fly on top of a skyscraper around 6:15 pm on sunday february 17th. Eyewitnesses report him having said

"goodbye cruel world!!!! This is what you get for gypping me on hanna montana tickets for the LAST TIME!!!"

The CIA has refused to comment on man's ability to fly.

Thelonious then blurted a few choice expletives and proceeded to jump over the edge of the skyscraper, plummeting precisely one and a half fuck-ton stories to the ground below. Though no animals were hurt during the process of Thelonious's suicide, PETA has still put out a public statement that they do not support his actions due to the "potential danger he posed to pigeons in flight around the building".

Mr. Drevnerussky was pronounced dead on impact by Gandolf the Grey at 6:25 pm. several homeless men and one ugly prostitute showed up to mourn his passing (it was later divulged that these were the only people who cared about Thelonious). 

Though no true suicide note was found either on Thelonious's person or the imaginary place were he is beleived to have resided, one short note was found on the back of a Record and Tape Trader's recipt in his back pocket. it cryptically read

"Dan Ellis aka Thelonious Drevnerussky, performing Jed Curtis' Music For Wise Men"

 Though confirmed to be very much dead, someone ridiculously similar in appearance and mannerisms was seen not 5 minutes later at a german techno raver beach party.

The NSA has refused to comment on punk's abilities to never, ever, ever die.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Follow the wandering child

Football. after watching the super bowl at the apartment of my friend's girlfriend, I decided randomly to trail one of the kids there i didn't know as he stumbled down the stairs. at around 10:30pmish he made his way out of the row apartment on park and began walking north towards McMechen on the right sidewalk while humming Tom Petty's "Running Down a Dream" (out of key mind you).

when he got to Mosher he crossed over to the other side of the street and headed into the south Beethoven apartment complex. through the glass i saw him entering a number into the pad, after which he opened the security door and headed for the elevator directly down the hall from the front door.

event took about 3 minutes.
took the picture with a borrowed digital camera, which is why it doesn't look, uh, horrid.


Greetings, small bum nibbling creatures of unspeakable horrors. I am Dan. MICA Illustration major, professional grave shift convinience clerk and founder/CEO of Rent-a-Thug inc (a definatly-not-fortune-500-ever-company). If you are reading this BLAUGH!!!! then you probably know that this is for Intro to Interactive Media, which is a class. and by class I mean course. and by course i mean cell phone. and by cell phone i mean mine broke in a horrible "my pants are too tight to be guy pants" accident. by which I mean emo kids.

and by emo kids I mean this really is for ITIM (the acronym i just made up) so it's mostly going to be class related stuff. I might occasionally add a silly rant filled with my poor humor for no apparently productive reason, but besides that (if that) it will be just ITIM things. So, to put it in really easy terms, nothing personal. it really is just that simple.

so i hope you enjoy my BLOOOGGHH!!! a lot and all that wonderful jazz. and by jazz i mean music. and by music i mean fashion. and by fashion i mean hot topic. and by hot topic i mean mallcore. and by mallcore i mean football. and by football i mean